
1. No Griefing

If someone has left their area unprotected, tell them! Don't break stuff, take stuff, place stuff, etc...

2. We Ain't too Fond of Spam

Spam of any type is not permitted. We all know you know what spam is, but just to be clear it's sending several similar messages in quick succession.

3. Don't Send Messages in All Caps

It doesn't matter how angry/excited/surprised you are, don't bother. The odd word here and there is acceptable when you need some emphatic emphasis (yeah, I said that).

4. Breakin' Trains

When riding the trains, ensure you break your minecart when you have reached your stop or you may cause a backlog of carts. Also if you wish to build near a line or incorporate a line into one of your buildings, we are more than happy to let you, please just ask one of the admin team.

5. No Advertising

People came here to play games, not watch/read adverts.

6. Keep Cursing to a Minimum

We all have our moments. If you feel the need to rage, remove your hands from your keyboard and curse at the empty space that's right in front of your face. When you've had your moment, put your hands back on your keyboard and keep playing.

7. No Asking for Op, Ranks or Items

We've all heard it all. Nobody gets special treatment, so don't even ask.

8. Respect All Players

We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind, whether it be based on age, gender, race, rank, or anything else. We treat all players with equal respect, and so should you.

9. Don't Impersonate Anyone

Impersonating staff is a serious offense on Caldero, we do not take this lightly. If you witness someone impersonating a staff member, please contact a moderator or admin as soon as possible.

If none are online, you can send a message to the console (Lewis and Oliver are usually watching) by typing "/msg console <message>". Do also tell the next member of staff you see.

You can recognise staff members by looking at their tags: admins have the purple <Admin> prefix, moderators have the light green <Mod> prefix.

10. Obey the Staff

It's their job to ensure the server is constantly running smoothly. If they ask you to do something, it's in your best interest to take note of what they are saying and follow accordingly.

Staff will never ask you to tell them any personal details, such as your address, or ask for your password. Don't tell anyone. If someone asks you this, let Lewis know. You may then wish to be about in Discord to witness the storm that follows.

11. No Hateful or Offensive Remarks

There's no reason and no excuse. We have zero tolerance for this. This also applies to private messages; Lewis and Oliver can read the server logs.

12. No Mods / Hacks

Basically, just don't use anything that gives you an unfair advantage. It's unfair. If you want to keep your minimap, make sure no entities (players, NPCs, etc...) are showing up on it. Optifine's allowed too.

13. Respect the Landscape

None of those 1x1 pillars in the middle of nowhere. Don't build anything ugly in a nice place, and don't destroy the nice place either. This does not apply to the portrait.

14. Nicknames Must be Sensible

Please do not give yourself a nickname that could be regarded as offensive, inappropriate, or distasteful. No prefixes (i.e. "Prefix>Name").

All prefixes that serve as a title or role, e.g: 'Mod', 'Builder' or 'Admin' must be appointed by a member of the admin team.

15. Client Modifications

The use of Minecraft client modifications on the Caldero is strictly moderated and monitored. While some types of modifications are allowed, please keep in mind that you are responsible for all activity on your account even if you're unaware that a modification is interfering in any way.

16. Cheating / Exploiting Will Result in a Ban

This includes use of hacked clients (giving you an unfair advantage), exploiting bugs (if you find one, please report it to an admin) and use of x-ray texture packs.